Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Willis back on DL with anxiety disorder

I feel pretty good.
My arm is still on
so that's a good thing.
I know I have the ability
to do it. I just have to
put it together consistently
and I haven't been doing a good job
of being consistent enough for them.
That's the bottom line.
I have to work a little harder
to be consistent. I know I can
do it because I did it
a couple weeks ago.
I just have to continue
to stay on track.
As far as the anxiety
I have no idea about it.
I don't feel like
I have any nervousness out there.
I'm just a guy who really cares
about being competitive
and that's the bottom line.

I feel like it is.
I feel like it is.
I've got so many moving parts
if one is out of whack
from time to time it happens.
I'm not a conventional guy.
I've never been a conventional guy.
I've had it happen before. ...
This is not the first time
I've had control problems.
I've been able to overcome it.
I'm not worried about it.
I just have to continue
to get a chance to go out
there and be able to overcome it.

(Dontrelle Wayne Willis, born January 12, 1982, in Oakland, California, nicknamed "D-Train" and "D-Money," is a starting pitcher for the Detroit Tigers.)

(hit a grand slam off Jose Lima of the New York Mets on July 7, 2006.)

(hit two home runs in one game against the Mets on September 20, 2006.)

(Willis back on DL with anxiety disorder)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 's ok
    D-Train, u
    can still pump fist
    like Eck
    stache & shag
    's historical
    fraud: Gibson HR dint happen
