Thursday, November 12, 2009


“The most potent of all forces
in our universe – the spontaneous, disinterested
enthusiasm and goodwill of a whole

“They set themselves
to master it
as an indispensable element in their play.
And this stroke, too, demands
courage and daring and perfect fitness.

“They [go] out to drive
along the ground, to lift high or
to skim the infielders.

“An experience is automatically registered
and henceforth functions
as a permanent part of the organism”

“Thus their batting
[is] a constant dynamic reaching
out in every direction."

[quotes from C.L.R. James, Beyond a Boundary]

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Baseball players in the United States are not revolutionaries. First basemen do not institute agrarian reform. Left fielders adjust their cups and spit on the turf. Catchers do not construct puppets. Pitchers don't march. The goatee prevents it.